Personelle Veränderung


Lange waren wir still, doch nun gibt es Neuigkeiten. FADEAD und Ben gehen fortan getrennte Wege. Dieser hat aus persönlichen Gründen die Band verlassen. Wir wünschen ihm alles Gute für die Zukunft.
Doch keine Angst, es steht ein neuer Mann am Bass in den Startlöchern: Almar übernimmt fortan die tiefen Töne und wir freuen uns sehr, ihn begrüßen zu dürfen.
Die neue Formation dürft ihr schon Ende September live erleben. Mehr dazu in Kürze.

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FADEAD Rhoads Show Teaser


In honor of the 40th anniversary of Randy Rhoads’ passing, Berlin-based Thrash Metal band FADEAD has come up with a unique idea. Drummer Shumon went through his extensive collection of Rhoads-shaped guitars and taped a playthrough-video for an upcoming song showcasing the legendary design. A teaser for the video is now online on the Facebook site of the band ( and the full video will follow soon.

But this is not just a unique video. This whole Rhoads collection will be showcased at this year’s Guitar Summit exhibition in September, paying tribute to a monumental guitar player who passed way too soon and the guitar shape he created. There will be an article in the Gitarre & Bass magazine –  which also organizes the exhibition – about Randy Rhoads and this collection.

Also, the band FADEAD which self-published it’s debut effort Of Decline And Rise last year is now working on new audio and video material thematically based on their previous work.

Stay tuned,


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